Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Of Rice and the Wanton Slaughter of Birds

You've heard this, of course: don't throw rice at weddings, because it kills birds. This is, incidentally, a lie: an "urban legend" (Sorry, Dr. Henken!) perpetuated by Ann Landers and the Bird Seed Industrial Complex. (Ann Landers, at any rate.) Skeptical? Then consult the article on the subject: "Is rice bad for birds?"

This, then, is a fair warning: if we decide to have our guests pelt us with rice as we leave, let none condemn us as persecutors of our feathered friends.


MomMom said...

We still have at least one full box of bubbles if you'd like to avoid the controversy. hehe

Melissa said...

I look forward to pelting you!

Melissa said...

Did I spell pelting right!?? HEHE

Amy said...

i never thought about the birds. but i was at a wedding where the bride got a nasty little grain hurled right into her eye. she was, to say the least, unhappy.